2019 Scientific Conference on Management, Education and Psychology
Pages 91-96
The Study of Understatement as Adaptation to the Mental World of the Communicators
Liyao Miao, Ying Zhan
Corresponding Author:
Ying Zhan
This thesis draws support from Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory to analyze how speakers adapt to the mental worlds of the participants in the communication, including the adaptation to participants' emotional involvement, personality traits, motivations and desires. Through this study people may realize the importance of understatement as a pragmatic strategy for a successful communication and the necessity for the cultivation of understating ability.
Adaptation Theory; Mental world; Understatement; Communication
Cite this paper:
Liyao Miao, Ying Zhan. The Study of Understatement as Adaptation to the Mental World of the Communicators. 2019 Scientific Conference on Management, Education and Psychology (SCMEP 2019). 2019, Vol.1: 91-96.