2019 Scientific Conference on Management, Education and Psychology
Pages 101-107
Visualization analysis of the studies on reading perceptual span in China
Guiyun Guan, Hewei Zhang, Axu Hu, Hongzhi Yu
Corresponding Author:
Hongzhi Yu
Perceptual span, as one of the most fundamental problems in the reading research, has attracted many researchers’ attention. The paper makes use of Citespace III and the visualization analysis on CNKI to make an analysis of reading perceptual span in China from 1998 to 2008, so that it can make the current research states clear and provide guidance for the future study on the subject.
Perceptual span; visualization analysis; knowledge map
Cite this paper:
Guiyun Guan, Hewei Zhang, Axu Hu, Hongzhi Yu. Visualization analysis of the studies on reading perceptual span in China. 2019 Scientific Conference on Management, Education and Psychology (SCMEP 2019). 2019, Vol.1: 101-107.