2019 Scientific Conference on Management, Education and Psychology
Pages 136-141
Challenging Common Accepted Barriers of Implementing Task-based Language Teaching in EFL Classroom in China
Yadi Zhang
Corresponding Author:
Yadi Zhang
As time goes on, researchers and educators have already realized the deficiencies of using grammar-translation method in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL). The advantages of applying Task-based language teaching (TBLT) in English classes in China have gradually emerged. Nonetheless, applying TBLT in English classes in China still encounters obstacles. The common accepted elements that will hinder the process of implementing TBLT in EFL classroom in China include teachers’ quality, teachers’ teaching willingness, absent of the evaluation system of TBLT, and students’ imbalanced language proficiency. In this paper, the author will challenge these common accepted barriers, explain why teachers’ quality is not one of them, and summarize that the teaching materials and the large class size are other predominant barriers for the use of TBLT in China. Based on these facts, to applying TBLT successful, it is a necessity for educators in China to make changes to the College Entrance Exam system and solve the problem of the large size.
Grammar-translation method; task-based language teaching; obstacles; challenge; teachers’ quality; teaching curriculum; the large class size
Cite this paper:
Yadi Zhang. Challenging Common Accepted Barriers of Implementing Task-based Language Teaching in EFL Classroom in China. 2019 Scientific Conference on Management, Education and Psychology (SCMEP 2019). 2019, Vol.1: 136-141.