2019 Scientific Conference on Management, Education and Psychology
Pages 224-228
Application of Active Psychology in Mental Health Education
Lin Jieli, Yan Nongqiu
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Lin Jieli
The special policy of mental health education has been promulgated continuously by the state, which shows that the attention and importance to mental health education are increasing year by year. However, psychological individuals need to establish their inner emotional and psychological concerns, establish a new concept of active psychology, and propose three active contents of actively feeling inner emotions, actively seeking counselling, and actively cooperating with psychotherapy. Psychological individuals also need to improve their psychological self-healing ability. At the same time, students, parents, and teachers themselves improve their understanding of mental health education, and demonstrate effective communication through cases to achieve the goal of guiding life through correct psychological state.
Active psychology; mental health education; communication
Cite this paper:
Lin Jieli, Yan Nongqiu. Application of Active Psychology in Mental Health Education. 2019 Scientific Conference on Management, Education and Psychology (SCMEP 2019). 2019, Vol.1: 224-228.