The scale of online banking is developing rapidly nowadays, but there are still few relevant literatures about people’s behavior of online banking. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the Chinese people’s behavior of online banking and its influencing factors, based on the review of literatures and the survey of questionnaires. According to the results of the questionnaires, it could be found that the online banking amount and frequency of Chinese people are less than other online payments. For example, their average online banking amount is RMB 2,301.59/month, and their average frequency is 3.81 times/month. Moreover, its influencing factors discussed in this paper are significantly positively influencing people’s behavior of online banking, which are its cognitions of financial advantage, its perceived usefulness, its cognitions of platform convenience, and its cognitions of platform risk are significantly negatively. Individual variables (gender, monthly income, used platform) of people who use online banking have a significant impact on their behavior of online banking and its influencing factors.
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Jiani Zhan, Weilun Huang. People’s Behavior of Online Banking and its Influencing Factors. 2019 Scientific Conference on Management, Education and Psychology (SCMEP 2019). 2019, Vol.1: 229-234.