2019 Scientific Conference on Management, Education and Psychology
Pages 235-238
Basic design education constructed by introducing psychological quality and relevant evaluation strategies
Jie Liu, Hui Ma, Songyin Wang
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Jie Liu
In recent years, both the design theory and design practice have paid extremely high attention on the development of the designers. Many important theoretical achievements have been reached. May, most of the achievements focus on the intelligent system and ignore the research of the dynamic system of designer’s creation ability – the research of the psychological quality. This thesis investigated the significance of bringing the psychological quality into the basic education of the designers. Through the analysis of the growth procedure, design practice and creation characteristic language of the famous designers, the thesis discussed the relationship between the development of the designers and the psychological quality and revealed their internal relation, further more proposed the evaluation strategies for developing creative abilities and excellent psychological quality.
Construction the psychological quality; Basic Design Education; Evaluation
Cite this paper:
Jie Liu, Hui Ma, Songyin Wang. Basic design education constructed by introducing psychological quality and relevant evaluation strategies. 2019 Scientific Conference on Management, Education and Psychology (SCMEP 2019). 2019, Vol.1: 235-238.