2019 Asia-Pacific Forum on Economic and Social Development
Pages 174-180
Earnings Management, Internal Control and Audit Pricing
Zixuan Wang
Corresponding Author:
Zixuan Wang
This paper analyzes the relationship between earnings management, internal control and audit pricing with a sample of A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen for the period 2009 through 2016.The data of internal control are obtained from DIB internal control index. The modified Jones model is used to measure the earnings management. The audit pricing is a surrogate variable of audit pricing. The results suggest that the correlation between internal control and audit pricing is negative, earnings management has a significant positive impact on audit pricing, and the lower the internal control level, the more positive impact of earnings management on audit pricing.
Earnings management; internal control; audit pricing; audit risk; audit cost
Cite this paper:
Zixuan Wang. Earnings Management, Internal Control and Audit Pricing. 2019 Asia-Pacific Forum on Economic and Social Development (APFESD 2019). 2019, Vol.2: 174-180.