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2019 Asia-Pacific Forum on Economic and Social Development , Pages 190-195

Research on the Labor Force Participation Rates of Countries along“the Belt and Road”

Xiaoyi Yang, Meixia Shi

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Xiaoyi Yang

The Belt and Road Initiative is an important strategy to promote Chinese enterprises “going out” and the labor force participation rate is an important index to measure the employment situation of a country or region. This article analyzed the average labor force participation rate of 63 countries in 2016 and 2017 along “the Belt and Road” countries by sub regional and country-by-country and find that the degree of labor participation from high to low are southeast Asia, central Asia, south Asia, east Asia, CIS, west Asia, central and eastern Europe, and some other regional characteristics.
The Belt and Road initiative; Labor Force Participation Rate; Descriptive Statistics; Comparative study
Cite this paper:
Xiaoyi Yang, Meixia Shi. Research on the Labor Force Participation Rates of Countries along“the Belt and Road”. 2019 Asia-Pacific Forum on Economic and Social Development (APFESD 2019). 2019, Vol.2: 190-195.