2019 Asia-Pacific Forum on Economic and Social Development
Pages 208-213
The Study on Consumer Behavior of Online Car-Hailing Platform and their Influencing Factors – Case Study of Didi Chuxing in China
Sihao Gu, Weilun Huang
Corresponding Author:
Weilun Huang
The purpose of this paper is to explore the behavior of consumer on the online car-hailing platform and its influencing factors based on online car-hailing types (Premier, Taxi, Express and Hitch) and analyze the differences brought by the age and monthly income of the consumer. The results from the questionnaire analysis are: 1. The consumption frequency and amount of consumers (consumers behavior) on the online car-hailing platform are different with their consumption type. For example, the average monthly frequency and amount of Taxi (Express) consumers are 3.78 (5.58) and RMB 85.90 (RMB 73.13). 2. The significant influencing factors for consumer behavior are different with their consumption type. As the significant influencing factors of Premier consumers’ behavior are price, quality, risk and community, but none for Taxi consumers’ behavior. 3. The age and monthly income of consumers would be significantly different with consumer behaviors of online car-hailing platform and their influencing factors, but none for their gender.
Online Car-Hailing Platform; Didi Chuxing; Consumer Behavior
Cite this paper:
Sihao Gu, Weilun Huang. The Study on Consumer Behavior of Online Car-Hailing Platform and their Influencing Factors – Case Study of Didi Chuxing in China. 2019 Asia-Pacific Forum on Economic and Social Development (APFESD 2019). 2019, Vol.2: 208-213.