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2019 International Conference on Advances in Literature, Arts and Communication , Pages 48-51

Visual Stylization and Emotional Analysis of Format Design

Bing Liu, Ruiqiu Pang

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Ruiqiu Pang

Format design is the overall art form of layout of various kinds of information in magazines, periodicals and advertisements. With the help of visual stylization and emotional shaping, excellent format design can effectively attract the audience's attention, cause the audience's emotional fluctuation, make the audience perceive the attitude and position of magazines, periodicals and advertisements to specific news events, and better perceive the personality and emotional color of the magazine, periodicals and advertisements. Format design can guide the audience to interpret the order of information, facilitate the audience to search for information of concern, and deepen the transmission of information by means of visual style and emotional expression.
Format design; Visual stylization; Emotional
Cite this paper:
Bing Liu, Ruiqiu Pang. Visual Stylization and Emotional Analysis of Format Design. 2019 International Conference on Advances in Literature, Arts and Communication (ALAC 2019). 2019, Vol.1: 48-51.