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2019 International Conference on Advanced Education, Service and Management , Pages 123-126

VR / AR Technology into Vocational Education Micro Class Resources Construction— Taking Hotel Management Major in Higher Vocational Colleges as an Example

Xu Lei

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Xu Lei

Micro-class is an important carrier of educational resource construction nowadays. It takes video as its main form of expression, and adds auxiliary resources such as courseware design, case material and test feedback related to teaching topics so as to construct a distinctive theme and a rich content structure learning unit. Through the computer, the virtual objects enter the real environment to enhance the user's experience of "reality." Effective combination of the two has enhanced the subjective initiative and realistic experience of the study of the learners for the hotel management major, enabled the learners to grasp a natural means of interaction for independent exploration.
Micro-class; VR / AR Technology
Cite this paper:
Xu Lei. VR / AR Technology into Vocational Education Micro Class Resources Construction— Taking Hotel Management Major in Higher Vocational Colleges as an Example. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Education, Service and Management (AESM 2019). 2019, Vol.3: 123-126. DOI: