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2019 International Conference on Advanced Education, Service and Management , Pages 266-269

Research on Backwash Effect of Language Dialogue on Chinese Language Teaching

Zengzhi Wang

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Zengzhi Wang

Tests have a backwash effect on teaching, the positive effect can promote students to study hard and teachers to improve teaching work; while the negative effect is apt to cause the teaching and learning bias. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the test of the positive anti-dial function and reduce its negative effect. Test should have clear purpose, with the correct theory as a guide, take a combination of direct test and indirect test to minimize the objective test questions, and to increase subjective questions.
Backwash Effect; Language Dialogue; Chinese Language Teaching
Cite this paper:
Zengzhi Wang. Research on Backwash Effect of Language Dialogue on Chinese Language Teaching. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Education, Service and Management (AESM 2019). 2019, Vol.3: 266-269. DOI: