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2019 International Conference on Advanced Education, Service and Management , Pages 334-339

Reflections on Strengthening Ideological and Political Work of University Teachers in the New Age

Haitao Shen, Bo Ran

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Haitao Shen

Constructing a team of college teachers with "high ethical and professional ability" is the point of ideological and political work in colleges and universities in the new era. The author thinks that the current ideological and political work in colleges and universities needs to answer the following three questions: What is the relationship between running a socialist university with Chinese characteristics and building a world-class university; How to uphold the party's leadership over higher education and universities; How to do teacher's ideological and political work well. The author tries to take the core content of the speech of general secretary Xi Jinping at the ideological and political work conference in China, combine the spirit of Xi Jinping's series of speeches, puts forward some thoughts on how to strengthen the ideological and political work of university teachers in the new situation.
University Teachers; Ideological and Political Work; Colleges and Universities
Cite this paper:
Haitao Shen, Bo Ran. Reflections on Strengthening Ideological and Political Work of University Teachers in the New Age. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Education, Service and Management (AESM 2019). 2019, Vol.3: 334-339. DOI: