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2019 International Conference on Advanced Education, Service and Management , Pages 340-343

Study on Cultivation of Rhetorical and Linguistic Ability of Preschool Children

Yongxin Gao

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Yongxin Gao

The rhetorical language represents a high level of language use and should become an important part of kindergarten language education. Cultivation of the ability of rhetoric language of pre-school children should conform to the rhetoric talent of children and provide appropriate stimulation; it guides the children to analyze the external form of language and the inherent implication of meaning, encourages children to freely use the language and foster children's awareness of language choice. The dual education of concept cognition and rhetorical cognition should be advocated to make it more in line with the natural state of preschool children's cognition. Children's literary creation should be consistent with the pre-school children's rhetorical style and expression characteristics, so as to establish the maximum common semantic field between the author and young readers.
Cultivation; Rhetorical and Linguistic Ability; Preschool Children
Cite this paper:
Yongxin Gao. Study on Cultivation of Rhetorical and Linguistic Ability of Preschool Children. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Education, Service and Management (AESM 2019). 2019, Vol.3: 340-343. DOI: