2019 International Conference on Advanced Education, Service and Management
Pages 413-416
Reflections on Student Cultivation during Trumpet Teaching and Performance
Yan Jiyuan
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Yan Jiyuan
Compared with other instruments, trumpet has its own characteristics; with its own uniqueness, it can be used to perform different styles of work and win audiences' great favor comprehensively. As a Western music instrument, trumpet has tremendous influence in music circle. It enjoys great popularity in Western music world and has long development history after being introduced to China. However, trumpet did not enjoy a plain sailing during its development in China, and it has suffered from some difficulties. To conquer corresponding barriers in its development, higher demands must be proposed for trumpet teaching in colleges. Firstly, students need to have a clear understanding on relative concepts of trumpet music, such as the application scope of trumpet, its artistic characteristics and the current status of its development so that students can have a flexible application of the music and artistic characteristics of trumpet. Corresponding teaching methods of trumpet need to be innovated and students' integral music qualities need to be strengthened; meanwhile, corresponding methods need to be applied in transforming the current status of students' performance.
Trumpet performance; Music quality; Psychological quality; Music creativity; Teaching method
Cite this paper:
Yan Jiyuan. Reflections on Student Cultivation during Trumpet Teaching and Performance. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Education, Service and Management (AESM 2019). 2019, Vol.3: 413-416. DOI: https://doi.org/10.35532/JSSS.V3.092.